I’m a designer passionate about working on ambitious ideas and helping people grow.

I currently work at Webflow on the Marketplace Team, optimizing the template creator and Webflow partner experience. Additionally, I offer design services for AI projects through my design studio, Like Minds.

My previous role was Lead Product Designer at product design studio Upperstudy, which involved mentoring product designers. When I was there, I also co-created and led a hands-on product design educational program with Kristina Karshavskaya for early career product designers.

Previously at Practica, I was the founding designer, leading the 0-1 design of the edtech platform to uplevel employees’ skill sets. The startup was ultimately acquired by BetterUp.

I’m especially interested in edtech, linguistics, psychology and language learning. In my free time, you can find me obsessively learning Spanish (I have a C1 level), stalking the linguistics Subreddit, baking in a sauna, or reading about psychology.

I value most the impact of projects, community, and working with kind, like-minded people. I was the co-president of the Creative Club at SF Groundfloor, and I created and facilitate a Slack community of product designers called Base. If you’d like to join Base, please reach out!

📃 Resume

🌀 Linkedin

🖱️ Personal website

🐦 Twitter

<aside> 💡 I'm currently interested in contributing to ambitious AI & edtech projects.


🏗️ Founding Product Designer, Practica

Designing a HR SaaS platform + B2B

As we scaled the business, it became more and more clear to us that most of our revenue was from larger team accounts, so we had to pivot and understand the buyer’s expectations, which included building out an HR toolsetalongside the coaching offering. Shoutout to Diego Glusberg for working on this together and Kenny Chiem, L&D Manager at Strava for collaborating closely with us throughout this process.

Here are a few glimpses into projects:

Onboarding flow for L&D Manager

Onboarding flow for L&D Manager

<aside> 💬 *“The single word that I'd use to describe Meghan as a product designer is "range". Meghan can take a complex and business-critical feature, understand it deeply, and push it forward thoughtfully. Also, she can also go from 0 to 1 on a brand new feature or idea and take it from user research to concepts to prototypes to mocks and implementation.

On top of that, Meghan refuses to be blocked and she is fearless to learn any new tool or technology. She surprised us by contributing directly to our codebase rather than waiting for an engineer to do the design polish and tweaks that she wanted to see. When she needed to build something from scratch, she introduced Webflow into our stack. Meghan's leadership and collaboration skills also shined on our team. She introduced numerous lasting rituals that helped us to forge deeper bonds and build love for each other as complete humans.

Meghan is the kind of selfless teammate that does high-quality work in a way that amplifies everyone's contributions. She has my highest recommendation. I can't wait for the chance to work with her again someday.”*

**Andy Scheff, CTO of Practica**


Shared Growth Hub between a manager and a report

Shared Growth Hub between a manager and a report

<aside> 💬 “Meghan is an absolute pleasure to work with. Her exceptional design skills and diverse experience have been invaluable to our team. From crafting engaging product features to refining admin tools to creating customer-facing pages, Meghan consistently delivers high-quality designs that not only look great but also effectively communicate the team’s ideas and objectives.

What sets Meghan apart is her ability to work swiftly without compromising on quality. She’s also an excellent communicator, open to feedback while maintaining a level of confidence in her design decisions to keep the collaboration process efficient and productive.

I have every confidence in Meghan's abilities as a designer and teammate, and I would be thrilled to work with her again. She's a true asset to any team.”

Michael Ing, Software Engineer at BetterUp


Coaching Stats for L&D/HR users

Coaching Stats for L&D/HR users